2017 Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association Mission
Our mission is to work collaboratively with all interested and invested parties to ensure the resource that is Lake Nipissing remains healthy, well managed and available to all stakeholders for recreational and commercial purposes.

We aim to achieve this mission as follows:
start a dialogue with all groups, individuals, enterprises and entities with an interest in the resource and begin to develop one common goal
communicate our goals and activities to a far reaching audience
given that the walleye population is of particular importance to all stakeholders we will continue to invest in an extensive restocking program
History of the Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association
The Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association was formed in June 2012 by tourist operators amid concerns of declining Walleye stocks in Lake Nipissing. Rumours had been circulating with regards to possible regulation changes for fishing on Lake Nipissing which would adversely affect tourism on Lake Nipissing.
In 2012 the original mission of the Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association (LNSA), was broad, it aimed to ensure the long term health of the Lake Nipissing fishery with special attention paid to the critical Walleye fishery.
Our initial objectives were to achieve the following:
Improved and increased communications regarding issues directly affecting the fishing and lake conditions which would assist in managing our businesses.
To be informed and involved on issues affecting our businesses and to be included in the decision making process.
To promote positive public relations.
To increase visibility of enforcement officers to ensure rules and regulations are equally enforced across all users.
The LNSA celebrated some initial successes and opened dialogue with several stakeholders. The LNSA continued restocking efforts which were initiated in 1983, we lobbied for larger restocking efforts but were turned down by the MNR. The LNSA also lobbied to have the Lake Nipissing Fish Assessment Unit which was dissolved in 1996, reinstated, to ensure detailed data collection continued.
2017 Challenges and Objectives
In the five years since the LNSA was launched the landscape has evolved and perhaps deteriorated. There are many groups and individuals interested in the health of the lake and who rely on the resource for their livelihood. These groups are splintered and focused on their own agenda to the detriment of the resource. The objectives moving forward are to:
Increase representation to be more representative of all Lake Nipissing Stakeholders on the LNSA.
Facilitate meetings with multiple stakeholders in order that we focus our collective efforts on the resource. ‘Many hands make light work’.
Encourage the MNR to increase their transparency as a provincial government organization.
Review the results of the forthcoming independently commissioned study and work with stakeholders to implement recommendations.
Develop a strategic plan to develop a larger agency which will be inclusive and representative.
To ensure all groups involved and interested in the resource that is Lake Nipissing are held accountable, remain transparent and work together to ensure all interests are satisfied.
2017 Lake Nipissing Stakeholders Association Executive Board
President – Samantha Simpkin, owner of Fish Bay Marina 705 724 3130
Vice President – Scott Nelson, owner of Glen Echo Cottages 705 752 1118
Director and Restocking Team Leader – Steve Richards, owner of South River Resort 705 724 1652
Secretary – Shelley Purdon, owner of Angler’s Haven 705 724 5354
Treasurer – Pam McLean, owner of South River Resort 705 724 1652
We have vacancies for Directors, if you are interested please contact Samantha Simpkin 705 74 3130 or admin@lnsa.net
Former Executive
Former President – Scott Nelson, owner of Glen Echo Cottages, 705-752-1118
Former Vice President – Linda Andersen, owner of Promised Land Camp, 705-724-1648
Former Marketing Manager – Danny Colomby, Nipissing Muskies, 705-752-2600
Former Re-stocking Team Leader/Training – Gary Preston
Former Re-stocking Team Leader – Rob Hyatt, owner of Rob Hyatt Outdoors, 705-752-1727